
Manon duverger

Manon Duverger
Project manager
Tel : +33 1 44 34 36 28

Manon Duverger holds a Master’s degree in audiovisual law from the Sorbonne University. She has been working at the Directorate of European and International Affairs of the CNC since 2017. She has overseen several co-production support programs since then. From its launch in 2023, she works as project manager of the “European solidarity fund for Ukrainian films”.

Lucile Revelon

Lucile Revelon
Project manager
Tel. : +33 1 44 34 38 90

Lucile Revelon holds a Master’s degree in International Cultural Management from the Lyon Institute of political studies. She previously worked in Kyiv as an audiovisual policy officer at the French Institute in Ukraine. Before joining the ESFUF team in January 2024, she worked in international affairs at the French Ministry of Culture.
Ariel Bianucci

Ariel Bianucci
Policy and Communications Officer

Ariel Bianucci holds a bachelor’s degree in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation from Siena University (Italy) and a master’s degree in international relations from the Free University of Brussels (ULB). She joined the European Film Agency Directors (EFAD) association in 2022 as a Policy and Communications Officer. Since its launch in 2023, Ariel has been the EFAD representative within the fund.