Supported project


May 7, 2024

  • Director: Volodymyr Tykhyy, Roman Liubyi
  • ScriptwriterVolodymyr Tykhyy
  • Countries: Ukraine /
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Country of shooting: Ukraine
  • Language: Ukrainian, Russian
  • Duration: 90 min


A first-person view movie. A time jump from the battlefield of the russian-Ukrainian war to 2013 to become a participant of revolution (Maidan). The viewer will go from the peaceful march of millions to the bloody confrontation in the government quarter.


Ukrainian producer
Babylon 13 Production

Andrii Kotliar

Producer from a contributing country
Trimafilm (Germany)

David Armati Lechner


European Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian Films – Date of the decision : May 7th 2024


    Valentyn Vasyanovych

    Roman Liubyi obtained a master’s degree at the Kyiv I.K. Karpenko-Kary University of Theatre, Cinema and Television in 2014 and started to get involved with Babylon’13 in 2013. During the Maidan Revolution, he used art as a tool for activism, by gathering young filmmakers together with well-known and skillful professionals.

    Liubyi directed his first full-length film, War Note, using Ukrainian soldiers’ personal recordings made with their phones and go pros since 2014. He also made two short documentaries using only materials from criminal cases of the biggest war crimes of the Russian-Ukrainian war, an experience that led him to make a film about the downing of MH17 passenger plane – Iron Butterflies (2023). This documentary had a world premiere at Sundance 2023.

    His animation film Unholy Power received ESFUF development support in May 2023.


    Valentyn Vasyanovych

    Born in 1971 in Chervonohrad, Lviv region. In 1997 he graduated from the Kyiv State Institute of Theatre Arts.
    During the 1990s, he made several short films, the most popular of which was The Little Mermaid, which was screened at over 80 film festivals. His awards include the Grand Prix at the Alternative Film Festival in Romania, 1997, and the award for Best Visual Design at the Hanover International Film Festival, Germany, 1997. His debut feature film Car Washers (2001) was screened at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.
    in Karlovy Vary.
    In 1999, Vladimir created the SV SHOW television show with Verka Serdyuchka.
    He is the author, director and co-producer of the project “Arebeska’s Assholes” and the almanac of short films “UKRAINE, Goodbye”, a participant of the Berlin Film Festival, winner of the Silver Leopard at the Locarno International Film Festival 2012, Clermont-Ferrand 2013 and a nominee for the European Film Academy Award.
    In 2013, he completed work on his film The Green Jacket, which was in competition at the San Sebastian International Film Festival, the Warsaw International Film Festival and the Tbilisi International Film Festival. His other films include The Gate (2017) and Our Cats (2020).
    Volodymyr is the co-founder and head of the Babylon 13 film association
    He is a member of the Ukrainian Union of Cinematographers and of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Film Academy

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