
ESFUF second call is now open

Jul 10, 2023

After the first call for projects in March 2023, and the selection of 11 projects by the committee of experts, a second call for projects is now open with a deadline on September 1st, 2023.

The guidelines of the Fund are available in English and Ukrainian here, and in French here.

The eligible projects are:

  • long-length cinematographic works directed by a Ukrainian filmmaker, intended to be first released in theatres;
  • belonging to the genres of fiction, documentary, and animation;
  • coproduced between a Ukrainian production company and a production company established in the ESFUF contributing countries (Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom).

Important information: In case of a second submission of the same project, you’ll have to provide an additional note explaining the reasons for the new deposit, and the evolutions on the artistical and financial aspects of the project.

Welcoming a new Contributor

Moreover, ESFUF will be reinforced by the contributions of another EFAD member, the Danish Film Institute, bringing the number of contributing countries to 16.

Manon Duverger / + 33 1 44 34 36 28

The European Solidarity Fund for Ukrainian Films is an initiative launched in February 2023 in Berlin. After having supported various actions for Ukraine at a national and European level (here), EFAD and its members wanted to unite forces to launch a dedicated support for Ukrainian filmmakers, to support the completion of films or the development of new projects, while fostering co-productions. ESFUF brings together 19 partners from 16 different countries, the EFAD association, some of its members (15 EFAD members), and Culture Ministries.

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